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Bucket Grit Guard



The grit guard is a filter that fits at the bottom of your bucket and traps dirt at the bottom.



You can rub your wash mitt on top of the grit giard inserted at the bottom of the bucket to remove and trap dirt and continue your washing routine without the risk of causing micro-scratches on your car. The barriers at the bottom of the filter grit guard allow you to stop the waves during the movement of your washing mitt in the bucket, and thus prevent the dirt deposited at the bottom from coming back up. suspension and return to your washing tool.


For safe washing, we suggest 2 buckets and 2 grit guards. The two-bucket washing method allows you to thoroughly rinse your glove in the first bucket (water only) and then move on to the second bucket which contains your soapy solution. With proper washing technique, you will notice that your bucket with soapy water contains no or very little dirt. This tells you that very little dirt has been brought back to the surface of your vehicle by your wash mitt.


Without grit guart , dirt rises to the surface, clings to your wash mitt and will be transferred to the surface when your mitt passes over the car and that’s the last thing you want for your vehicle!

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